In order to provide you with the very best service, we require that you read our policies. At the bottom of the online application, you will be required to check the box that you have read and understand the terms and conditions of volunteering with Amani Hostel.
You must be 18 years old to participate. Children accompanying their parent/legal guardian must be 12 years old.
Travel insurance and medical coverage is not included in the program cost. These are the responsibility of the volunteer.
Amani Hostel is not responsible for loss of property, personal injury, illness, accident, delay, or expenses incurred by the volunteer while participating in our program. Amani Hostel and its agents are not responsible for any financial obligations or liabilities the participant may incur including damage to property, or injury to others while participating in a program.
Amani Hostel is not responsible for the cost of extra activities (sightseeing, language class etc.) incurred during the course of your program. Daily transportation costs are the volunteers’ responsibility, although we try to confirm accommodations within walking distance to work site or bus transportation (very cheap in each country).
Volunteers agree to follow the laws of the host country, the policies of the community in which they volunteer, and/or the rules of the host family – failure to do so will result in the termination of your program and forfeiture of all program fees.
A refundable deposit fee of 50% is required along with your application. Program costs paid in US dollars and Euro only. We begin the confirmation process once the deposit is received. Final payment is due 45 days prior to departure from your country.
Cancellation and Refund Policy Guidelines
your deposit of 50% to Amani Hostel is fully refundable under any and all circumstances if a volunteer decides not to go.
Cancellation 50 or More Days from the Start of Project – Amani Hostel agrees to refund to you seventy-five percent (75%) of the total Program Fee.
Cancellation 30 to 49 Days from the Start of Project – Amani Hostel agrees to refund to you sixty-five percent (65%) of the total Program Fee.
Cancellation 15 to 34 Days from the Start of Project – Amani Hostel agrees to refund to you fifty percent (50%) of the total Program Fee.
Cancellation 14 or Less Days from the Start of Project – Amani Hostel agrees to refund to you twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Program Fee.
Cancellation On or After the Start of Project – If you notify Amani Hostel with a requested cancellation on or after the start of the Project, no refund whatsoever will be made to you under any conditions or for any reasons.
Cancellation of Project by Amani Hostel – If Amani Hostel cancels any project before the start of the project; Amani Hostel will provide you a full refund of the applicable Program Fees. If Amani Hostel cancels a Project before the Project Period due to a sudden outbreak of disease, political instability, natural disaster, or similar conditions beyond our control Amani Hostel will refund to you a portion of the Program Fee based upon the remaining weeks in the Project Period. The rate ranges from $100-200 per week depending upon the particular Host Country.
Amani Hostel – Rules of Behavior
This outline details the rules of behavior that is expected of Amani Hostel volunteers. Thes rules apply not only to Amani Hostel as a volunteer placement organization, but also to our Project Coordinators, the local host families, and especially the projects we work with.
Amani Hostel Guide lines: Volunteers must agree to follow the laws of the host country, the policies of the community in which they volunteer, and/or the rules of the host family failure to do so will result in the termination of your program and forfeiture of all program fees.
General Volunteers are required to:
- Follow the rules, advice and policies set by the local Project Coordinator
- Recognize they are representatives of Amani Hostel, and their home country, and should act accordingly. Remember this is a chance to be an ambassador of your country.
- Acknowledge that possession of illegal substances is a grave violation of Amani Hostel policy and, if discovered, will result in the immediate cancellation of your program. Participants are cautioned that the possession of drugs is often dealt with severe punishment by host country law enforcement.
Travel with an open mind; be respectful to the culture and customs of the country you are volunteering in. This means practicing patience and understanding.
Understand that alcohol consumption is not permitted in the host family’s home, at the project site, or at the local Amani Hostel offices. Responsible, moderate consumption is expected – gross misbehavior will result in the termination of your program.
- Treat all people with respect and dignity, especially the elders of the community.
- Dress properly with regard to the local culture, as well as weather conditions.
- Realize what is socially acceptable in western countries, can be considered offensive in others.
- Avoid all political demonstrations and activities.
- Remember you are guests in the host country and subject to local laws and punishment.
- Acknowledge the program and accommodations provided are customized for you and not changeable in-country without approval and consent of Amani Hostel and our Project Coordinator.
- Get advice from your host family or volunteer house and your Project Coordinators about your weekend travel plans.
For additional information please email us via info@amanihostel.net