What kind of skills did you need to go on this project?
Initiative, enthusiasm, and patience will be essential characteristics for any volunteer embarking on this project. You will need to understand the key aims of your project as a focal point for the broader community and be aware of the long-term goals in order to appreciate the hands-on work that this project will require.
Any specific skills that you can contribute, such as teaching experience, environmental issues, community health advice, counseling, and sports coaching will be appreciated. Volunteers will need to be proactive in instigating activities that they particularly want to get up and running as supervision and leadership may be fairly minimal.
Volunteers also get involved in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama & music. Volunteers have shared IT skills with the teachers, held seminars on topics including health issues and reproductive matters alternatives to corporal punishment (which is formally banned but used at times), business skills, and public speaking and study skills.